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how many ions in sodium acetate?

Sodium acetate is a salt of acetic acid that is used in seasonings and as an antimicrobial agent. It is also a common preservative and flavor enhancer in food. It is on the FDA’s list of Generally Recognized as Safe (Grass) chemicals.

The acetate ion has an ionic bond with sodium, and a covalent bond with carbon-hydrogen, carbon-carbon and carbon-oxygen in the acetic acid molecule. It can prevent bacteria cultivation in a wide range of acidic conditions.

It is a chemical compound with the formula NaH(C2H3O2)2. The number of oxygen atoms in a molecule of sodium acetate is equal to the number of oxygen atoms in a mole of acetic acid.

Biologically, it is important in regulating extracellular fluid volume and the osmotic pressure of body fluids. It is also involved in nerve conduction, muscle contraction, acid-base balance and cell nutrient uptake.

How is sodium acetate prepared?

Sodium acetate is made from the reaction between acetic acid and sodium carbonate. Sodium bicarbonate or sodium hydroxide can also be used as an alternative.

How does the sodium acetate dissolve in water?

The sodium acetate dissolves in water to form a solution of sodium and acetate ions. This is referred to as salt hydrolysis.

It is possible to make a “hot ice” experiment with this solution by heating the water to 60 deg C, and then adding the acetate until it will no longer dissolve. Then stick it in the fridge to cool the water until it is below room temperature and crystals will form.