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Metallic tungsten is an extremely hard, gray to tin-white metal. It is difficult to work with and has a high melting point, making it very useful in alloys. It is also used for light bulb filaments and cutting tools. The brittle nature of the metal, however, makes it difficult to use in places where the metal may be put under stress or great pressure. This is why it is often mixed with other metals to improve its strength and usability.

Tungsten is mined primarily from the minerals wolframite and scheelite, which are concentrated by magnetic and mechanical processes and then smelted. It is a rare element that can only be produced commercially through charcoal reduction of the oxide found in wolframite ore, with hydrogen [1].

In its pure form, tungsten is a very hard and brittle metal. It is also expensive and difficult to produce in large quantities. It is therefore mostly used in alloys with other elements like carbon to improve its workability and ductility. These alloys are very useful in areas where the metal may be under a lot of stress, such as in filaments or tubes for heating applications.

Tungsten is also used in nuclear fusion reactors as it has an exceptionally high melting point and good erosion resistance. It is currently being tested for use in the plasma-facing inner walls of the ITER reactor. The density of tungsten is similar to that of gold, and it is hypoallergenic. This makes it a popular choice for jewelry, especially rings that are designed to resist scratching.