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What Is a Platinum Plate?

platinum plate is a precious metal that can add durability, longevity and value to the products it is applied to. It can also help protect sensitive components from corrosion and oxidation. The plating process involves applying a thin layer of platinum over a base material such as silver, gold or titanium. This is done to enhance the properties and appearance of the base material, make it resistant to abrasion or heat and improve its hardness.

Many jewelry pieces made from silver are plated with platinum to prevent tarnish and keep them looking beautiful. Because platinum is more expensive than silver, it is not usually economical to use the precious metal for all parts of a piece of jewelry. Platinum plating allows jewelers to create pieces with the look and properties of platinum for a fraction of the cost.

Platinum is an inert, durable metal that can withstand extreme conditions. It is an ideal coating for industrial crucibles used to mix chemicals because it resists the chemical reactions that could damage their uncoated surfaces. It is also an excellent coating for the interior surfaces of gas turbine engines because it protects the engine from high temperatures and reduces corrosion and wear.

Some medical implants made of titanium are plated with platinum because it prevents bacteria from growing on the implant. Platinum is also an excellent coating for medical devices such as catheters and a good choice for electrical contact materials. Due to the inertness of platinum and its natural resistance to oxidation, it is an excellent electrode coating. It is commonly used on the counter and auxiliary electrodes of electrochemical measurements such as cyclic voltammetry or linear sweep voltammetry.

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